Snooze buttons, an unnecessarily bad design

Do you stay in bed five minutes longer for half an hour?

An alarm clock furiously ringing.

Make it stop! Give me five more minutes of that sweet, sweet sleep…

from Pexels by NEOSiAM 2020 under Pexel’s license

Of course it’s nicer to stay in my warm bed instead of getting up and starting the day. And five minutes can’t hurt, can they? Just five, nice minutes…

But when I finally get up, I regret having snoozed so often. I set that time for a reason. If I had the time, I could have set it later. But I wanted to get up now, not in five minutes.

Yes, snoozing feels nice in the moment, but I actually don’t want to be tempted. But virtually every alarm clock has a snooze button, so it’s hard to escape.

How to fix it

Don’t have a snooze button.

The job of an alarm clock is to wake people up, not to let them sleep five minutes longer.