Stove knobs, an unnecessarily bad design

Do you keep accidentally turning on the wrong plate on your stove top?

Two knobs of stove sitting in a row. Each is labeled with a picture of the four heating plates in a grid. The plate controlled by the knob is highlighted.

Even though they control heating plates that are placed one above of the other, these knobs are placed to the side of each other.

from Flickr by Matt MacGillivray under CC BY 2.0

I can’t see the labels when I’m dealing with a pot. And I can’t feel what plate a knob is controlling. So of course I will guess wrong sometimes. This issue is described in Don Norman’s book The Design of Everyday Things (ISBN 978-0-465-05065-9, pp. 113–115).

How to fix it

Arrange them pysically similar to the heating plates. Those that control plates in the back should be higher than those controlling plates in the front.

Even if you don’t have the space to arrange the knobs in a vertical grid just like the plates, you can at least put some slightly higher then the other ones, for example by putting their labels below them.